Annual Conference 2020

Annual Conference 2020

The 2020 Active Living Conference was held February 2-5, 2020 in Orlando, FL, USA.

Visit the official conference website here:

The conference brings together active living researchers and champions from over 30 disciplines to advance knowledge and action around active communities. The event is the premier venue for policy-relevant research and cross-sector exchange between scientists, practitioners and policy makers on how to create and sustain active living environments.


The 2020 Active Living Conference theme, Innovation and Imagination in Active Living, challenged us to be creative and to consider unique research approaches, partnerships and innovative strategies that promote fun and healthy opportunities for active living. Topics included innovation by design, creative use of big data, health and nature, creative active play, interactive art, sport and health, technology, innovation in measurement, novel approaches in research translation and dissemination, and effective ”non-traditional” partnerships.

Call for Abstracts

Abstracts related to active living environments and policies in all settings were invited for submission. We encouraged abstracts related to the conference theme (though this was not a requirement) and abstracts on research and practice/policies that inform strategies for increasing physical activity among racially and ethnically diverse populations, people with disabilities, and those living in lower-income communities who are at greatest risk for physical inactivity and its related diseases.

Executive Program Committee

John Spengler, Texas A&M University, USA
Deborah Salvo, Washington University St. Louis, USA

Chair Emeritus
James F. Sallis, Active Living Research, USA

Past Chairs
Andrew Kaczynski, University of South Carolina, USA
Renee Umstattd Meyer, Baylor University, USA

Community and Health Equity
Lilian Perez, National Institutes of Health, USA
Mark Faries, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

Parks and Recreation
Gina Besenyi, Kansas State University, USA
Bianca Shulaker, Trust for Public Land, USA

Practice and Policy
Kevin Roth, National Recreation and Park Association, USA
Laurie Whitsel, American Heart Association, USA

Public Health
Julian Reed, Furman University, USA
Selina Stasi, Texas A&M University, USA

Schools and After School
Charlene Burgeson, Active Schools, USA
Jayne Greenberg, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, USA

Transportation and Land Use Planning
Arlie Adkins, University of Arizona, USA
Jocelyn Widmer, Texas A&M University, USA

Early Career Professional
Deb Kellstedt, Texas A&M University Southwest Rural Health Research Center, USA
Jillian Papa, Action for Healthy Kids, USA

Local Partners
Fitz Koehler, Fitzness International LLC, USA
Mike Millay, 3D Institute, USA
Sandy Mayer, Orange County Library Systems, Southwest Branch, USA

Committee Organization
Amanda Walker, Active Living Research, USA

Sunday, February 2, 2020 to Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Orlando, FL