Goodbye to Dr. Toni Yancey, a special member of the Active Living Research family

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All of us at Instant Recess thank you for this moving tribute to our hero and inspiration. Toni's legacy will indeed carry this important work forward.

What a great impact Toni Yancey has had on the field of public health and promoting physical activity....thanks for keeping it alive!!! Love you Toni!

Dawn K. Wilson, Ph.D.
Society of Behavioral Medicine

Toni will always inspire us to do more, be more for those that need us. Toni is a real life hero. I'm thankful for knowing her.

This is very much clear that so many people love you, Toni. You will always be remember by us for the work you did for the society. Children will recall by the quotes, you delivered to motivate them for the physical activities. You were such an inspiring persona that no one can forget you here. I want to dedicate one of goodbye quotes by Mahatma Gandhi - There are no good-byes, where ever you'll be, you'll be in my heart. Even though these kind of goodbye quotes can not show the actual feeling but still this what I can express in words. Miss you.

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