7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Conference Registration
7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Morning Announcements: Vendor Presentations and Poster Awards
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Panel Presentation
Creating equitable activity-friendly communities: Addressing the consequences of gentrification and displacement
Panel speakers:
Karen Chapple, Professor, City and Regional Planning, Urban Displacement Project, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Helen Cole, Researcher, Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability, Spain
Maria Sipin, Transportation Planner, People for Mobility Justice, Los Angeles, CA and Portland, OR, USA
Panel chair:
Andrew Dannenberg, Affiliate Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Networking Activity
12:00 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. Concurrent Presentation Sessions
SESSION 4: Planning and policy
a) Engaging public health in Complete Streets policy processes: Lessons from the trenches, J. Chriqui*, C. Sansone, J. Sadowski
b) Policy interventions to combat gentrification while promoting active neighborhoods, A. Dannenberg*, R. Berney, S. Lesesne
c) Transferring the Preventing Obesity by Design (POD) model: Implications for policy and practice, N. Cosco*, R.C. Moore, M. Pearson
d) Healthy, active living in comprehensive plans: A statewide assessment, L.M. Charron*, N. Lehr, D. Villegas, S.A. Gomez Parra, H.R. Joyner, J.A. LaGro Jr
SESSION 5: Parks and play spaces: Innovative methods
a) Advancing the SOPARC method through video analysis, R. Suminski, G. Dominick, P. Sapranaro, E. Plautz*, F. Patterson
b) Play streets live: Developing a real-time video scanning methodology to inform implementation of temporary play spaces, M.R. Umstattd Meyer, C.N. Bridges*, E.C. Wilkins, T.M. Prochnow, K.M. Pollack Porter
c) Impact of ShadePlus: A natural experiment of refurbishments to parks in lower socioecononic areas, S. Dobbinson*, J. Simmons, J. Chamberlain, R. MacInnis, J. Salmon, P. Staiger, M. Wakefield, J. Veitch
d) ParkIndex: A novel tool to predict use of parks, J. Schipperijn*, S.M. Hughey, M.E. Wende, J.A. Hipp, E.W. Stowe, A.T. Kaczynski
SESSION 6: Rural communities
a) Collaborative engagement leads to increased planning, implementation, and prioritization of walking and biking initiatives in thirteen rural communities in Nebraska, B. Coyle*, J. Grandstaff
b) Description and evaluation of changes to the rural physical activity environment after implementation of community-led policy, system, and environment change strategies, D.M. Holston*, M.W. Cater, S. Broyles
c) Country roads take me home: Walking and walkable supports and destinations among rural-dwelling adults, National Health Interview Survey 2015, G. Whitfield*, S. Carlson, E. Ussery, K. Watson, D. Berrigan, J. Fulton
d) Does active travel fit the needs of young families? A comparison of travel behavior in rural Austrian areas, E. Raser*, M. Gaupp-Berghausen, W. Unbehaun
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Speed Talk Concurrent Presentation Sessions
SPEED TALK SESSION 1: Guidelines and recommendations
a) What's new in the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition? K.L. Piercy, R.P. Troiano, A. Vaux-Bjerke, K. Olscamp, R.D. Olson
b) Taking action - increasing physical activity levels of Americans: The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition, J. Fulton*, D. Galuska, S. Carlson, E. Hyde, K. Piercy, A. King
c) Move Your Way: Motivating physical activity contemplators to meet the recommendations from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition, F. Bevington*, E.Y. Barnett
d) An expert statement on physical activity and brain health in children and youth: From evidence synthesis to knowledge translation tool, L.M. Vanderloo*, D. Goldowitz, J-P. Collet, M.S. Tremblay
e) Active living in public policy: The agenda and research needs for 2019, S. Scarmo*, P. Knepprath, C. Headrick
SPEED TALK SESSION 2: Parks and recreation
a) Spatial patterns of use of parks by children in low-income and ethnically diverse communities, C. Alberico*, O. Marquet, J. Huang, E. Mazak, J.A. Hipp, M.F. Floyd
b) How do crime rates affect park attendance? Findings from the PARC3 study in New York City low-income neighborhoods, O. Marquet, C. Alberico, J-H. Huang, E. Mazak, J.A. Hipp*, M. Floyd
c) Evaluating the use and physical activity patterns of three greenways in Charleston, South Carolina, S.M. Hughey*, D. Bornstein, S. Trello, K. Brown, W.J. Davis
d) Meet Me at the Park: Transforming parks and improving access to play spaces, K. May, S. Slater*
e) Prescribing active living: Differences in resources healthcare providers need in urban versus rural practices, R.W. Christiana*, E.B. Hayashi, A. Spencer, G.M. Besenyi
SPEED TALK SESSION 3: Health equity
a) Gender disparity in urban Indian playgrounds: Assessing safety, accessibility, and participation of women, D. Subramanian*, A. Jana
b) Neighborhood environments and sedentary behavior among White and Hispanic children, J. Yoon, C. Lee*
c) Do trails cause gentrification? Measuring the impact of rail-trail development on property values, T. Bhattacharya*, T. Hadden Loh
d) Differences in the effects of student, school and neighborhood poverty on the association between fitness changes and absenteeism in New York City middle school youth, E.M. D'Agostino*, S.E. Day, K.J. Konty, K. Wyka
e) Associations between active living environment quality, air pollution, and community marginalization in Canada, W. Gleckner*, T. Herrmann, N.A. Ross
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Physical Activity Breaks
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Networking Socials
For detailed information, visit the official ALR2019 conference website: www.alr-conference.com.