7:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Conference Registration
7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Morning Announcements
James F. Sallis, PhD, Director, Active Living Research
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Panel Presentation
Using Policy to Influence Equity in Active Living
Inequities in access to active living programs and environments have been documented. Some of these inequities are driven by policies, and targeted policies are the most promising solutions. Many groups are engaged in policy advocacy to improve equity of opportunities for active living, and this panel highlights effective work by three leaders. Jodi Gillette advised on Native American affairs in the Obama administration and now serves on the Board of the Notah Begay III Foundation. Ian Thomas is a long-time bicyclist and pedestrian advocate in Columbia, MO who currently is on the City Council and in a leadership position at AmericaWalks. Caron Whitaker has extensive experience working in policy at the state and federal level and has been influential in the Equity Caucus at Transportation for America.
Panel Chair: Carter Headrick, Director of State and Local Obesity Policy, Voices for Healthy Kids, American Heart Association
Ian Thomas, PhD, State and Local Program Director, AmericaWalks and Councilmember, City of Columbia, MO
Caron Whitaker, MEM, Vice President of Government Relations, The League of American Bicyclists
Olivia Roanhorse, MPH, Director of Native Strong: Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures, Notah Begay III Foundation
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Group Physical Activity and Break
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Concurrent Presentations
SESSION 7: Built Environment Measures and Strategies
a) The role of spatial epidemiology in facilitating community-level change: The Roanoke Valley community healthy living index, E. Ackley-Holbrook, Roanoke College
b) Plan4Health: Dane County, Wisconsin's active living index, Milena Bernardinello, University of Wisconsin-Madison
c) A comprehensive coding system to measure healthy community design in land use plans and development code, P.P. Miller, Nemours and L.A. Walling, Cedar Creek Sustainable Planning Services
d) From sprawling spaces to healthy places: Los Angeles’ healthy, equitable, active land use network, J. Leung, Prevention Institute
SESSION 8: School Environments
a) Healthy eating and physical activity in afterschool programs: Identifying points of intervention using a mobile app, K. Brazendale, University of South Carolina
b) The barriers of meeting a district-wide recess policy, lessons learned from Rochester, New York, J. Beideman, Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency
c) Escuelas Saludables: Policy-based initiatives to promote a healthy school environment for U.S. Latino kids, R. Aguilar, Salud America! Institute for Health Promotion Research
d) Associations between school demographic characteristics and physical activity practices in Nevada, S. Monnat, Penn State University
SESSION 9: Physical Activity Interventions
a) Using cost-effectiveness analysis to prioritize policy and programmatic approaches to physical activity promotion and obesity prevention in childhood, A.L. Cradock, Harvard University
b) At play! Efforts of a county-wide coalition to enhance physical activity environments and opportunities in underserved communities in Greenville County, South Carolina, S.M. Hughey, University of South Carolina
c) Workplace sedentary behavior interventions: A systematic review, C.C. Loitz, University of Alberta
d) Cost-effectiveness of community-based mini-grants to increase physical activity in youth, V. Heboyan, Georgia Regents University
12:15 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Networking Lunch Discussion Tables
Lunch will provide attendees the opportunity to network around common interests relevant to active living. Selected tables will feature a roundtable host who will facilitate a discussion around a chosen topic, giving attendees the opportunity to interact, exchange ideas, and discuss potential synergies. Attendees are not required to pre-register for any particular table and are free to choose a table during the event.
1:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Concurrent Presentations
SESSION 10: Bike and Pedestrian Facilities
a) Bridging the divide between policymakers and public health researchers using health impact assessment, C.G. Abildso, West Virginia University School of Public Health
b) Quantifying low-stress bicycle facility network connectivity, T.H. Loh, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
c) Zero in on street safety for all, D. Dohm, ChangeLab Solutions
d) Disparities in pedestrian streetscape environments by income and race/ethnicity, C. Thornton, University of California, San Diego
SESSION 11: Parks and Trails
a) Al ritmo de las comunidades: A natural experiment of the Recreovía program of Bogotá, O.L. Sarmiento, Universidad de los Andes
b) "We actually care and we want to make the parks better": Youth experiences, changes and perceptions as community advocates, D.G. Gallerani, University of South Carolina
c) Linking park and trail systems to public health: Suggested measures, C.L. Schultz, North Carolina State University
d) Development and testing of mobile technology for community park improvements: Validity and reliability of the eCPAT application with youth, G.M. Besenyi, Georgia Regents University
SESSION 12: Physical Activity Policy Research Network (PAPRN+)
a) A group medical visit to promote physical activity in underserved adults, H.A.Russell, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
b) Building public support for active living environments: A qualitative analysis of the role of local health departments, S. Lemon, University of Massachusetts Medical School
c) Examining workplace policies and programs promoting physical activity: Baseline data from the Healthiest Maryland Businesses Program, L. Perrotta, University of Maryland, School of Medicine
3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Town Hall Discussion and Endurance Prizes
James F. Sallis, Ph.D., Director, Active Living Research
Must be present to win.
For detailed information, visit the official ALR2016 conference website: www.alr-conference.com.